Monday, May 4, 2009

What is the Price of Peace? It is the Price of Freedom !

Hi Friends,

I apologize.

And I Strongly advise you to delete this without reading it, if you are easily offended by strong passionate and unbending facts and opinions at odds with your own.

Respectfully submitted for your inspection and concideration.

...imagine that-opening up a dialogue and connecting with people.What next-peace?

It worries me. I am aware that the Educational System here in the United States is slanted to a particular, and not necessarily open and honest direction. In the military we call this DisInformation and Propoganda ( no I'm not talking about you ).

I have a habit ( good or bad ) of Political Passion; which is part of my personality; it got me into Graduate School, and for me it is inescapable.

Soon, my credentials will be posted on my site. I have travelled far and in Military Service,

USAF-LE-ABGD. I had a long Tour Overseas, and I am Honorably Discharged. I have lived and travelled abroad. I have lived with and experienced our Allie's ways of Life, and that of Our ENEMIE'S.

Among other things, I am certified ABGD ( Air Base Ground Defence ). This is NOT training to guard a fence or vital resource alone. We are trained to Exterminate with Extreme Prejudice in the Battle Field, those enemies of the United States Constitution, both Foreign and Domestic.

I have also Studied International Relations; Specifically Terrorism and Counter Terrorism on a Graduate Level at The University of Missisipppi, USA . I'm still working on my Masters, and considering changing to a Doctorate.

Please forgive me, as I am not telling you this to brag, or inflate my Ego in any way. Having substantiated my experience and education on these subjects.......

"Turn the other Cheek" with Tyrants and Despots, and they will remove your head. Tyrants and Despots are not in any way interested in Freedom Loving Opinions, nor for that matter are they interested in any other opinion than their own, for the purpose of Maintaining Their Personal Political and Military POWER and Power Bases. They ( those who would later become The Allies ) tried conversation and appeasement with Adolf Hitler and ended up with The Second World War. Milllions Died Horrible Deaths !

Tyrants do not Negotiate, unless they believe they will win on their terms, with their enemys complete Capitulation. To stay in Power, they cannot suffer any threats, to their Political, Industrial, Economic and Military Power Bases to exist. Freeedom is not something Tyrants can
suffer to exist, EVER.

Yes, the advent of the internet aided in the Fall of the Soviet Union, through communications ( communications between Russian commmunities, which stopped the Proletariat from covering up Tyranical treatment of their felllow Russians ) however, that was only after The Western Allies had Bankrupted the Soviet Union, after 50 Years of The Cold War, and Arms / Technology Races. Again, Millions died anyway ( Vietneam, Korean War, The Russian invasion of Afganistan, and all the other proxy wars supported by Tyrants, all over the world. During that 50 Years of treatys and Conversations aka Negotiations. Our Governments, Russia and The US, went beyond the point of Launching Nuclear Weapons every day of that 50 Years. Mutually Assured Destruction aka MAD. Thankfully, there was a Red Phone direct link from The US to Moscow. Why did these enemies not push the Button? Because the Russians LOVE their Children, and Backed Off due to The Strength of The American and their Allie's Military. Otherwise, we'd all be speaking Russian, NOW. Example: research The Bay pf Pigs Invasion of Cuba and the Russian Nuclear Wepons disposition there, at that time. While you are at it, research the Russian Military presence in Venezuela today.

During the Iran / Iraq war, Iran sent Thousands of Teen Aged Children, in Battalions, UNARMED into the Battle Field. These thousands of Teen Aged Children, in Battalions were instructioned to march against fortified Iraqi Army positions, to be Slaughtered. Survivors of the Child Battalion's were ordered to pick up discarded Iraqi Weapons, and use those Weapons on the retreating Iraqis. Do you think the Iranian Government loves their Children; or are they slaves to JIHAD?

These Dictators and Tyrants will not be kind to us, or our Children, if they win Conventionally in WAR. The Iranian Government would fire/deploy Nuclear or Biological Weapons against The United States, if they had them. They would do this even if the Iranian Government knew for certain that an American Counter Strike of Nuclear Weapons would TOTALLY Destroy Iran. Notice, I did not say the Iranian People aka subjects of the Government, I said The Iranian Government aka Despots and Tyrants. Even we needed the French help overthrow the Brittish Yoke !

Democracy in other Contries is NOT what you might think.

Research the proxy wars currently being fought in the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa today. Tyrants and Despots. Would you want that here?

The people overseen by Tyrants and Dictators are uneducated, poor and in some cases starving, for a reason. Example: only the privileged and wealthy are aforded perks like travel and education in Totalitarian Regimes. Tyrants and Dictators cannot suffer an Educated and wealthy Middle Class, as this would threaten their Power Base.

Let no one fool you! As long as there are Tyrants and Dictators, Freedom and Freedom Loving Citizens are at WAR and UNDERSEIGE. And, unfortunately, it is a fight to the Death. Winner take ALL !

There is one way to communicate "Peacefully" with Tyrants and Dictators: Capitulation and Servitude. I for one will not do either.

To survive in a hostile environment, and that is the world we live in, one must be willing and able to defend against Tyrants and Despots. The alternative is Capitulation and Servitude, or Death.

Every Soldier in the American Military wants Peace; but not at the expense of Capitulation and Servitude, or Death for anyone.

USAF_LE_ABGD motto: We are members of the only profession working tirelessly to put itself out of business, if only the Governments, their Militarys and The Civilians would cooperate !!!!!!!

The Price of Freeedom- If you are not willling to die to be free, you are already a slave to Something !

The Price of Freedom- Vigilance, Determination, Preparedness, a Stubbornness to be FREE.

Freedom is NOT Peacefull, Easy, or Free.

Communication is NOT a path to Freedom, nor is it a shield against Tyranny or Despotism.

I wish you God's grace and Peace,

(PS) - Regarding Torture and any advanced Interrogation: The United States did not, in the 1970's during the Vietnam Era, sign the adjustment to the Geneva Conventions pertaining to Guerilla/Terrorist War Civilian Fighters. The treatment of Terrorists engaged in Terrorist Warfare are not protected by the Geneva Conventions, from The US Military, in Terrorist engagements. Look it up, I did !

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